Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ajnatobaas - Nandikar's play

Name of the play: Ajnatobaas

Theater Group: Nandikar

Story: Sukanta Gangopadhyay

Direction: Sumanta Gangopadhyay
Directorial Adviser: Rudraprasad Sengupta

Nandikar - the name itself symbolises and stands for unmatched quality in the Bengali theater arena. Being witness to their play for the first time, I am enthralled and wish to return as and when their plays come the next time round near my home's theater.
Ajnatobaas adresses the plight of the elderly of these days who are often turned out of their own homes by their kin and have to fend for themselves, at an old age, despite spending the best part of their lives to raise their children who become so selfish when they need their help the most - in their old age. The dilemma faced by the old people is played beautifully by the veteran actress - Swatilekha Sengupta, but the viewers don't realise what's going on in her life till the very last scene that has a surprise stored for the viewers.
The story is simple and then not simple enough if you delve deeper into the message that it desires to convey. Homemaker Payel (Sohini Sengupta) is alone in home one afternoon, when an elderly lady (Swatilekha Sengupta) turns up at her doorsteps. Offering the lady a glass of water, the lonely Payel brings her inside into the verandah, and starts chatting, albeit with suspicion. However, she lets her guard down soon and starts enjoying the company of the lady. She comes to know that the lady remembers nothing of her past, and yet feels a bond with her that forces her to allow the lady to stay in till her husband Soumik returns.
What happens next is a twist-and-turn of events, that finally culminate into a message on life, and how the elderly and even the younger generation need to traverse the road of life. Yes, the story is contemporary - giving the apathy that our society doles out to the elderly people. The play touches the heart for sure. Hats off Nandikar, for giving me the chance of enjoying a wonderful evening watching this magnificent play of your production house. Hope you keep the flag flying high for years to come.

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